Our members
Tony Isaacson - Convenor
Tony retired in 2016 as the Managing Director of Kane Constructions. He is chair of the Robin Boyd Foundation. He has an interest in all things construction and design, including traditional and contemporary construction technology and management systems. He supports and works with a range of non-profits, particularly in environmental areas.
Janet Beeston
Janet is Principal of Frontier Heritage Pty Ltd, an architect, and a heritage consultant. Her post-graduate studies and practice focus includes 19-century portable buildings and she has consulted to owners, local government authorities, and Heritage VIC.
Miles Lewis AM
Andrew Muir
Andrew has restored and researched 19-century buildings for 45 years. In 1983 he rescued a Singapore Cottage from Mentone and subsequently saved two others, and components from a group of four from which he assembled a single cottage. He has three in use in Collingwood and is restoring the fourth. He is the recognized expert in identifying, and analyzing “Singapores” through analysis, observation, and occasionally conjecture.
The Hon Dr Barry Jones AM
Barry was born in 1932), is an Australian polymath, writer, teacher, lawyer, social activist, quiz champion, and former politician. He campaigned against the death penalty throughout the 1960s, particularly against the execution of Ronald Ryan. He is on the National Trust's list of Australian Living Treasures. He was the Vice-President of the World Heritage Committee from 1995 to 1996 and a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO in Paris from 1991 until 1995, succeeding Gough Whitlam in both roles.
Barry on Wikipedia Photo Mal Vickers
Our advisers
Overseas advisers
Marc Braham, Belgium, structural engineer & historian
Dr Tomo Inoue, Kyushu University, Japan, architectural historian
Dr David Mitchell, Glasgow, Director of Conservation, Historic Scotland.
Dr Sara Wermiel, USA, historian of technology
Dr Yeo Kang Shu,. President, ICOMOS Singapore
Overseas bodies
Construction History Society (UK): Dr Nina Baker; Michael Heaton
Australian advisers
The Hon Dr Barry O Jones, former Vice-President of the World Heritage Committee
Sue Balderstone, former ICOMOS World Heritage Advisor
Dr Pedro Guedes, Queensland, architectural historian
Tom Harley, former Chair of the Australian Heritage Commission
Rosemary Rosario, Western Australia, conservation architect
Paul Stark, South Australia, conservation architect
Andrew Winkler, South Australia, convenor of Friends of Torrens Island
Dr John Ting, ACT, architect and conservationist
Australian bodies
Association for Preservation Technology International, Australasia Chapter: Dr Donald Ellsmore
Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage (ACAHUCH) University of Melbourne, Professor Philip Goad, Professor Hannah Lewi, Professor Julie Willis
Australia ICOMOS: Peter Romey, Convenor, Australia ICOMOS World Heritage Reference Group
Australian Institute of Architects
NSW Chapter Heritage Committee: Dr Jenifer Preston, chair
Victorian Chapter Heritage Committee: Jude Doyle, chair
Western Australia Chapter Heritage Committee: Kylie Maxfield, Chair
Engineering Heritage Victoria: Guy Hodgkinson, chair
Engineering Heritage Sydney: Frank Johnson, chair; Craig McPherson
National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Simon Ambrose CEO; Felicity Watson, Advocacy Manager
National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Geelong & Regional Branch, Jennifer Bantow
National Trust of South Australia: Dr Darren Peacock, CEO
Royal Historical Society of Victoria: Professor Charles Sowerwine
South Australia Maritime Museum: Paul Rees, Director
Local government
City of Greater Geelong: Councillor Peter Murrihy; David Scott, Senior Heritage Planner
City of Port Adelaide Enfield: Claire Boan, Mayor; Tony Kamenjarin, Urban Planner
City of Yarra: Richa Swarup, Senior Advisor City Heritage
Our supporters