Portable Buildings of Australia Nomination
The task force has prepared the necessary documents in draft to fulfil the requirements for Tentative Listing of the Portable Buildings of the Nineteenth Century. The Tentative List is the first formal step towards inscription on the World Heritage List.
Our draft Nomination documents
There are two key documents :
The Proposal outlines the process for the nomination of the Portable Buildings of Australia for inscription on the World Heritage List: the what, where, when, how and why.
The Tentative List Submission is the first official document required in the formal process. The task force’s draft document is in accordance with the guidelines and template provided by UNESCO for the tentative listing of properties for inscription on the World Heritage List.
We have undertaken further analysis of the 120 places proposed to be included in the nominated Property. The analysis is presented as a Criteria Spreadsheet with each place graded or recorded against a series of criteria generated from the Statement of Universal Value.
Places data sheets
These datasheets are also a significant component of both the Tentative List Submission and the Nomination documents. A three page datasheet has been prepared for each building and they have been grouped by State. Each datasheet provides the specific information about the individual building, as required by UNESCO and they are cross referenced with the Tentative List Submission and Nomination documents as well as the relevant Essays.