rear of the Brown Bros Store, Geelong
Photo PBTF
Our recommendation
The Portable Buildings Task Force [PBTF] recommends to the State of Victoria and the Commonwealth of Australia that a submission be made to UNESCO for the World Heritage listing of the imported Portable Buildings of the Nineteenth Century which survive in Australia.
The PBTF also seeks the support of the governments of New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Western Australia, in all of which examples of these buildings are found.
Role of the Task Force
The role of the Task Force is to carry the matter forward until it is taken up by the relevant governments. It may also be useful to have a transitional stage in which the Task Force is appointed as an advisory committee by one or more governments.
The prefabricated buildings of the nineteenth century, known at the time as ‘portable buildings’, constitute an international phenomenon of historical, economic and technical significance.
The growth of prefabrication was one of the major outcomes of the Industrial Revolution, and these buildings are also associated with historical episodes of great moment – including exploration, gold rushes (in Australia and the USA), the Crimean War and the development of steam navigation. They are also a reflection of economic conditions, because the trade in buildings required cheaper labour, cheaper materials and/or superior production capacity in the country of origin, as compared with the country of receipt. The trade reacted sensitively to changes in demand or in costs (notably the rise in the price of iron in the mid-1850s).
Prefabrication always stimulates the most advanced building technology, and in this case that technology included:
· the first panelised systems in timber
· various patented systems of cast iron framing components
· carpentry adapting Malay and Chinese traditions to European requirements
· a patent system combining timber and iron
· cladding in sheet zinc
· cladding in corrugated galvanised iron
· continuous arched roofing in corrugated iron, using minimal ties
· cast plate iron with lead-run joints
· patent conical roof vents
Fortuitously, most of the world’s surviving examples are in Australia, and especially Victoria. They came mainly but by no means exclusively in response to the gold discoveries of the 1850s, because by the 1850s suppliers were geared up for export, having already sent buildings - in much smaller numbers - to the Californian gold rushes. All of the early Californian examples have since been destroyed, and an interesting side-effect of this is that the Australian buildings best illustrate what was once to be found in San Francisco. Australia not only has more prefabricated buildings of this period than any other country: it has, by a considerable margin, more than the rest of the world combined.
There are 119 known examples (though some are very fragmentary). 65 of these are in Victoria, 17 in New South Wales, 17 in South Australia, 5 in Tasmania, 4 in Queensland, 9 in Western Australia, and 2 in the Northern Territory. A majority are already protected under the relevant heritage controls, and a number are in public ownership or in accessible uses such as guest houses, restaurants and shops. A significant proportion of them, perhaps 20%, are too fragmentary or altered to be understood visually, but they are nevertheless important to the story of prefabrication in Australia.
The national benefits of World Heritage listing in terms of prestige, tourism and national identity are well understood and have been demonstrated by the previous listings of cultural and natural sites, the former being:
· Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens
· Sydney Opera House
· Australian Convict Sites
· Budj Bim Cultural Landscape
The role of the Task Force is to carry the matter forward until it is taken up by the relevant governments. It may also be useful to have a transitional stage in which the Task Force is appointed as an advisory committee by one or more governments.
The World Heritage nomination must be in by 1 February; the evaluation process (by ICOMOS and/or IUCN) will take one year. There will then be two meetings of the World Heritage Committee. To the first, representatives of the State Party (Australia) will be invited to answer questions &c. Any responses and additional information are submitted before the second meeting, which decides whether to recommend listing. This process takes a little over one year more and the whole process from beginning to end might take five years.
In the meantime
· The Task Force should undertake activities to promote public awareness and understanding of the subject.
· The Task Force should encourage the developrnent of semi-autonomous groups in New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia to implement
its objectives (the numbers of examples in Queensland, Tasmania and the Northern Territory do not, on present information, warrant such groups).
· The Task force should promote international awareness of, and interest in the proposed nomination.
· A data base should be maintained.
· All preservation bodies, historical societies &c should be encouraged to bring forward other eligible properties or to suggest corrections to the details on the
present list
· Heritage Victoria and the equivalent interstate bodies should review all items and undertake further research or recording where required (if necessary
contracting out parts of the work)
· Ownership details, precise GIS locations and curtilage boundaries should be established for each item.
· The present condition of each item should be recorded by inspection and photographs.
· All items should be considered by the Heritage Council of Victoria and equivalent interstate bodies for state listing or registration.
· Necessary planning protection should be put in place where it does not already exist.
. The government of Victoria should take ownership of the proposal and submit it on a preliminary basis to the Commonwealth Government.